
Innovations For A Sustainable Future

Construction Chemicals One-Stop Solution​

First-class Laboratory

Optimism is what drives all human beings. At Michem this motivates us every day to develop solutions for the greatest challenges of our time – so we can better protect the climate, make optimal use of limited resources and provide food, energy and clean water for a booming world population.

At our research centre


Challenges and Overall Needs


Strong innovation efforts is one of Michem’s strategic priorities. Long-standing research and development have resulted in solutions that respond to important long-term global challenges.

Michem’s innovation success is a result of world class in-house R&D and close co-operation between sales, manufacturing, customers and external institutes and universities in several countries.

Laboratory Online View
We have our own laboratory and researchers, and our innovation refers to our customers with more efficient products, more cheap prices, based on saving global energy. Therefore, we can solve some problems for our customers, and achieve a win-win situation with customers.
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